Necessity Arts Collective brings together a collaborative group of international, inter-disciplinary artists to create inventive theater. By presenting interesting repertoire in unique venues, the artists of NAC can look audience members in the eye and not just confront them, but engage them. These artists believe in the necessity of art:
NAC performances usually:
NAC’s mission is to present inventive theater no matter what, because for us artistic communication is a necessity, and necessity is the mother of invention!
- to facilitate creative expression at a personal level,
- to challenge and share perspective at an inter-personal level,
- to bring attention and support to important issues at the community level, and
- to provide beauty, emotional resonance and cultural preservation at a societal level.
NAC performances usually:
- feature dance in tandem with other art forms – especially opera and film,
- feature live music – often composed or arranged specifically for the performance,
- take place in thematically appropriate venues – from churches to zoos,
- contain some form of audience participation – from sing-a-longs to eating cake,
- foster partnerships with community groups or other arts organizations.
NAC’s mission is to present inventive theater no matter what, because for us artistic communication is a necessity, and necessity is the mother of invention!